Inlet / Solenoid Valves for Appliances, Pilot operated
G 1/180, 1/4" X 1/4"
Type : Normally Closed, Straight Connections
Connection Size: Inlet - 1/4" BSPF Outtlet : 1/4" BSPF
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 5 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/180, 1/4" QC
Type : Normally Closed, Straight
Connection Size: Inlet / Outtlet : QC for 1/4" tube
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 5 LPM
Coil voltage :12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/180, 1/4" Tube
Type : Normally Closed, Straight Connections
Connection Size: Inlet - 1/4" Tube Outtlet : 1/4"Tube for QC fitting
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 5 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/180, 1/2" X 1/2"
Type : Normally Closed, Straight Connections
Connection Size: Inlet - 1/2" BSPM Outtlet : 1/2" BSPM
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 30 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/180, 3/4" Inlet
Type : Normally Closed, Straight
Connection Size: Inlet - 3/4" BSPM Outtlet : 3 options to choose 10.5, 12.5 Hose barb, 1/4" Threaded
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 30 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/90, 3/4" Inlet
Type : Normally Closed, Angled
Connection Size: Inlet - 3/4" BSPM Outtlet : 3 options to choose 10.5, 12.5 Hose barb, 1/4" Threaded
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 30 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
G 1/90BB, 3/4" Inlet
Type : Normally Closed, Angled
Connection Size: Inlet - 3/4" BSPM Outtlet : 15 mm hose barb
Integrated Mounting
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 30 LPM
Coil voltage : 12, 24,36, 48 V DC, 230 V AC -
2E5 FG, 3/4" Inlet
Type : Normally Closed, Angled
Connection Size: Inlet - 3/4" BSPM Outtlet : 10 mm hose barb
With outlet flow controller 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5 LPM to choose from.
Op. Pressure : 0.2 to 8 bar
Flow : Max 30 LPM
Coil voltage : 6, 12V DC